Category: Knowledge

What are DSP and SSP

What’s a DSP? A DSP (demand-side platform) is the SSP’s counterpart on the advertiser side. Brands, agencies, app developers, and pretty much anyone that wants to advertise digitally, can use DSPs to set up their…

Anti-fraud protection

Available anti-fraud filters Filters configuration is based on user requirements and has anti-fraud menus from MMADs. Bad User Agents This filter allows blocking requests from either non-standard browsers or utilities like Wget or Curl. Those…

Custom targeting

Sample AD It’s nice to have in-depth targeting options and be able to reach your target audience. And custom targeting can surely help you with that. This feature allows users to integrate various data from…

Advanced targeting

Advanced targeting is a nice feature that gives you extra control over your ad campaigns. We will explain what options this feature has and how to use them in this short article. MMADS has the…