Category: AdSense

What is ad discrepancy and where does it come from

What is ad discrepancy and where does it come from Ad discrepancy is the difference in statistics (i.e. impressions, clicks, conversions) between publishers and advertisers. And though it is a long-known issue it still exists…

Understanding eCPM and RPM

Recently, we’ve heard some questions about the difference between eCPM (effective cost per thousand impressions) and RPM (revenue per thousand impressions), as the older AdSense interface references eCPM and the newer version shows RPM. We’d like to clarify and…

AdSense CPM Rates in USA 2021

AdSense has one of the highest CPC rates for US traffic. There are many questions regarding AdSense CPM and CPC rates. I thought of pulling some of the stats and sharing them with you guys…